My top 10 from Marshall Goldsmith

There are many reasons why the Marshall Goldsmith Stakeholder Centered Coaching approach is so incredibly effective.
Below my personal selection of 10 foundations in this approach.
The main reason that especially these appeal to me, is that each of these basic ideas is useful in itself. Each of these concepts can take a leader forward to more effective leadership.
In 10 blogs I share my thoughts on these, and I will provide you some ideas on how to get started. If you want to experience the full usefulness of the whole approach, plan a call in my agenda.
1. Many leaders underestimate the impact of their behavior
One of the reasons for ineffective leadership is that many leaders have a very different impact with their behavior than they think or intended. How do you change that so that you grow in leadership, with more effectiveness and better impact on people and performance? Read more

2. In the top, honest feedback is as scarce as necessary
If you don’t organise it, you will be getting less and less feedback as you climb the ladder. And that is not necessarily because you are getting better and better.. Read more

3. Leadersgrowth is behavioral change
If you want a different impact, you’ll have to show different behavior. You don’t need more know-how, it’s time for show-how. Read more

4. Change is simple, but not easy
If leadership growth and change were easy, you would have done it a long time ago. It requires courage, humility and discipline. How? Read more

5. Leadership growth is contagious
Focus on your growth in one leadership area, and you’ll grow in the other areas as well. Grow yourself, and your team will grow with you. Blog expected

6. Perception is reality
Behavioral change in leadership only makes sense if the receiving party sees your behavioural change. How do make that happen? Blog expected

7. Feedforward instead of feedback
As much as you want to develop, and how well you’ve learned to deal with receiving feedback… as a leader, looking forward is a lot more pleasant and effective. Blog expected

8. Successful leaders are succesful because of and despite their beliefs and habits
“What got you here, won’t get you there”. You are successful because of your beliefs and habits. At the same time, they’re holding you back from the next step. Blog expected

9. If we all live our best version, disturbing teamdynamics don’t stand a chance.
Whatever’s going on, act like the best version of yourself and change what needs to be changed. If we all do that, it works. Simple. Blog expected

10. Measuring is knowing; grow faster and more effectively
Effective leadership includes setting up effective systems to measure what matters. Including the ‘soft’ factors that affect your impact. Setting measurable goals increases the chances of achieving them. Blog expected
Like to discuss further or ready for action? Feel free to schedule a call straight into the agenda of Sandra Geelink.